Meditation Series II


The meditation series continues the journey into exploration of the mind towards the realized self. This series will takes us into the finer details of the meditation practice while giving valuable insights.

In Meditation series 1, we established the foundation of a focused mind while providing the exact framework to where the next level of harmonic consciousness exists.

Meditation series 2 will begin with:

Week 1: Shadow work
Week 2: Understanding the Higher Power
Week 3: Kundalini
Week 4: Advanced Practices

Each Week will have a lecture and subsequent live guided meditation based on the week's theme.

Each course is recorded and sent to each participant after the live talk.
The talks will be held on zoom.

The talks will be every Tuesday at 3:45pm PT. 6:45pm et. Beginning October 3rd.

Links will be sent out 24 hours in advance and one reminder email the day of.

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